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Program in Data Analytics Concentrations

Physical Sciences Concentration

21 Credits

CHEM 1054[PSCI] Principles of Chemistry I 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in one of the following courses: MATH 106, 108, 140, 171, 172, 182, 202, or ENGR 107, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Atomic and molecular structure, states of matter, quantitative relationships, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, periodicity, bonding. Recommended prepar’on: One year rigorous high school chemistry or CHEM 103.Fall, Spring, and Summer
CHEM 1064Principles of Chemistry II 4 (3-3) Course Prerequisite: CHEM 105 with a grade of C or better; one of MATH 106, 107, or 108 with a grade of C or better, or MATH 108 or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS math placement score of 80%. Intermolecular forces, solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, radiochemistry. Credit not granted for both CHEM 106 and 116.Fall, Spring, and Summer
MATH 2732Calculus III 2 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 with a C or better, or MATH 182 with a C or better. Calculus of functions of several variables. Credit not granted for both MATH 273 and 283.Fall, Spring, and Summer
PHYS 2013[PSCI] Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 3 Course Prerequisite: PHYSICS 211 or concurrent enrollment; MATH 171 with a C or better, or credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 172, 182, 273, or 315. Calculus-based physics; topics in motion and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, vibrations, wave phenomena, and the laws of thermodynamics.Fall, Spring, and Summer
PHYS 2023Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 3 Course Prerequisite: 4 credits of PHYSICS 201 with a C or better, or PHYSICS 201 and 211 with a C or better, or PHYSICS 205 with a C or better; PHYSICS 212 or concurrent enrollment; MATH 172 or 182 with a C or better. Calculus-based physics, topics in electricity, magnetism, electromagnetics, D/C and A/C circuits, optics, reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, polarization.Fall, Spring, and Summer

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CHEM 3313Physical Chemistry 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 273 or 283 with a C or better; 4 credits of PHYSICS 202 with a C or better, or PHYSICS 202 and 212, each with a C or better, or PHYSICS 206 with a C or better. Concepts of physical chemistry; basic thermodynamics; free energy and entropy; phase equilibria; properties of solutions of electrolytes and non-electrolytes.Fall
CHEM 333 (lab)1Physical Chemistry Laboratory for Chemists 1 (0-3) Course Prerequisite: CHEM 331 with a C or better or concurrent enrollment. Experiments selected to meet the individual needs of students in biology, chemical engineering, chemistry, or materials science.Fall, Spring
CHEM 3323Physical Chemistry 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 273 or 283 with a C or better; MATH 220 with a C or better; 4 credits of PHYSICS 202 with a C or better, or PHYSICS 202 and 212, each with a C or better, or PHYSICS 206 with a C or better. Elementary quantum theory; molecular structure and spectra; bonding theory; reaction rates; photochemistry and radiation chemistry; energy states and statistical thermodynamics.Spring
CHEM 334 (lab)2[M] Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 (0-6) Course Prerequisite: CHEM 332 with a C or better or concurrent enrollment; CHEM 333 with a C or better. Continuation of CHEM 333. Experiments in molecular structure, atomic molecular spectroscopy, chemical kinetics including computational methods.Fall