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What is a Data Analytics Internship?


The data analytics internship is work experience through a company or institution that allows students to apply the data analytics coursework they have been carrying out during their program.  Internships can be completed any semester and can be in-person, remote, or hybrid.

Three credits of DATA 498 Internship are required to graduate with the bachelor of science in data analytics. Each 55 hours of data analytics internship work serves as 1 academic credit. Students can complete the work all in one semester or in several 1-credit segments.

Please read through the detailed information provided in Internship Basics to get started.

If you have not scheduled an appointment to meet with our Internship Coordinator, Jill Shafer, please do so and she can get your started on your search:

Click here to schedule an advising appointment.



Jill Shafer.







Data Analytics
Internship Coordinator
Jill Shafer, Ph.D.