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Program in Data Analytics Concentrations

Economics Concentration

22 credits

Econ S 1013[SSCI] Fundamentals of Microeconomics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101, MATH 103 (or higher) or concurrent enrollment, MGTOP 215, STAT 205, STAT 212 or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS score of 40%. Enrollment not allowed if credit for ECONS 198 with a C or higher and ECONS 102. Theory and policy of human responses to scarcity; how this affects business competition, international trade, industrial organization, investment, and income distribution.Fall, Spring, Summer (Summer- Global)
Econ S 1023[SSCI] Fundamentals of Macroeconomics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101, MATH 103 (or higher) or concurrent enrollment, MGTOP 215, STAT 205, STAT 212 or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS score of 40%. Enrollment not allowed if credit earned for ECONS 198 with a C or higher and ECONS 101. Theory and policy related to unemployment, inflation, foreign trade, government spending, taxation, and banking.Fall, Spring, Summer
Econ S 3014Intermediate Microeconomic Theory with Calculus 4 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 101 or 198; MATH 171 with a C or better, or MATH 202 with a C or better. Calculus-based intermediate microeconomic theory for majors in the School of Economic Sciences. Fall, Spring
Econ S 3023Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 102 or 198; MATH 171 with a C or better, or MATH 202 with a C or better. Income, employment, and inflation theory with policy implications. Recommended preparation: ECONS 101 as required background. Fall, Spring

Choose three (3) from the following:

Econ S 3113[M] Introductory Econometrics 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 101, 102, or 198; STAT 212, 360, or MGTOP 215; MATH 171 with a C or better, or MATH 202 with a C or better. Methods of empirical analysis in the context of economic analysis and forecasting problems. Fall, Spring
ECON 3213Economics of Sports in America 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 101 or 198. Economic aspects of American sports; fan demand; advertising; team output decisions; league/conference organization; government and sports.Fall, Spring, Summer
ECON 3233Labor Economics 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 101 or 198. Functioning of labor markets; introduction to collective bargaining and labor law.Fall, Spring, Summer
ECON 3243[M] The Economics of Health Care 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 101 or 198. The economics of allocating, financing and delivering medical care services. Fall
ECON 3273International Trade and Finance 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 101 or 198; ECONS 102 or 198. Analysis and description of international trade flows; commercial policy; multinational firms, foreign exchange markets; open economy macroeconomics; international monetary systems. (Crosslisted course offered as ECONS 327, I BUS 470).Fall, Spring (Summer Global)
ECON 4243Strategy and Game Theory 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 301. Strategic behavior of firms, consumers, and political parties in everyday interaction. Cooperative: Open to UI degree-seeking students.Spring
ECON 4253Industrial Organization 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 301 or 305. Economic theories of firm behavior and the influence of market industry parameters; buyer/seller concentration, information asymmetries, product differentiation, and entry conditions.Fall, Spring
ECON 4263Transportation Economics and Supply Chain Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 301 or 305; ECONS 311. In-depth analysis and application in transport economics, modeling, and policy evaluation across all transportation modes.Fall
ECON 4513Advanced Food Economics and Marketing 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 301, 305, or 351; ECONS 311. Institutions, practices, policies, problems, and empirical analysis of food economics and marketing.Spring
ECON 4523[M] Advanced Business Management Economics 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 301 or 305; MATH 171 or 202; MGTOP 215 or STAT 212. Topics in business management economics and strategy, from demand and supply to bargaining, contracting, pricing strategies, and market structure. Recommended preparation: ECONS 350 or ECONS 352 as required background. Fall
ECON 4903[CAPS] [M] Economics Capstone 3 Course Prerequisite: ECONS 301 or 305; ECONS 302; ECONS 311; average of these courses needs to be a 2.0 GPA or better. Integration of economic theory and field courses; assessment. Fall, Spring
STAT 4433Applied Probability 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 or MATH 182; MATH 220, MATH 225, or MATH 230. Axioms of probability theory; random variables; expectation; generating function; law of large numbers; central limit theorem; Markov chains.Fall