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Program in Data Analytics Concentrations

Data Visualization Concentration

18 credits

DTC 101


DTC 209
3[ARTS] Introduction to Digital Technology & Culture 3 Inquiry into digital media, including origins, theories, forms, applications, and impact with a focus on authoring and critiquing multimodal texts.

209 Introduction to Data Visualization 3 An introduction to the tools and methods of data visualization in multiple contexts. (Crosslisted course offered as DTC 209, DATA 209.)

DTC 201 3[ARTS] Tools and Methods for Digital Technology 3 An introduction to the tools and methods of production for multimedia authoring in digital contexts.Fall
(Summer-PU, GLBL)

DTC Elective Course Requirement – Choose Four (4) Approved Courses from Below:

DTC 335 33D Digital Animation 3 3-D digital animation for creative and professional productions, art skills, story-telling and team problem-solving techniques.Fall
DTC 3363Multimedia Design 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 201. Design practices and process for composing for a multimedia environment including color, pattern, and shape.Fall
DTC 354 3Digital Storytelling 3 Nonlinear, multi-linear, and interactive narrative using elements of creative writing such as character, dialog, setting, plot and image. (Crosslisted course offered as DTC 354, ENGLISH 354). Typically offered Fall and Spring.Fall
DTC 355 (M) 3[M] Multimedia Authoring 3 Development for new computer-based media; multimedia authoring projects; examination of information technology.Fall
DTC 435 3Advanced Animation 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 335. Advanced investigation of tools and methods for 2D and 3D digital animation.Spring
DTC 4773Advanced Multimedia Authoring 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 355. Advanced writing, imaging and teamwork skills for authoring in new computer-based media; website project in client-oriented context.Spring
DTC 478 3Usability and Interface Design 3 Course Prerequisite: DTC 355. Design of websites using best practices of visual literacy, interface architecture, and usability.Fall