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Program in Data Analytics Concentrations

Actuarial Concentration

24 credits

Econ S 1013[SSCI] Fundamentals of Microeconomics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101, MATH 103 (or higher) or concurrent enrollment, MGTOP 215, STAT 205, STAT 212 or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS score of 40%. Enrollment not allowed if credit earned for ECONS 198 with a C or higher and ECONS 102. Theory and policy of human responses to scarcity; how this affects business competition, international trade, industrial organization, investment, and income distribution. Fall/Spring (Summer-PU, GLBL)
Econ S 1023[SSCI] Fundamentals of Macroeconomics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 101, MATH 103 (or higher) or concurrent enrollment, MGTOP 215, STAT 205, STAT 212 or concurrent enrollment, or a minimum ALEKS score of 40%. Enrollment not allowed if credit earned for ECONS 198 with a C or higher and ECONS 101. Theory and policy related to unemployment, inflation, foreign trade, government spending, taxation, and banking.Fall/Spring (Summer-PU, GLBL)
FIN 350
3Risk and Insurance 3 Course Prerequisite: FIN 325 or concurrent enrollment. Concepts in risk management and insurance; personal risks and treatment methods; legal principles in risk and insurance; overview of the insurance industry, company operations, and insurance regulation.Fall/Spring
FIN 325 Intro to Financial Managment: Term: ____Grade: ____
BA 204,205, & 206 or B A 212 (pre/con) Term:____Grade:_____
ACCTG 230 Into to Financial Accounting: Term:____Grade:____
Fall, Spring, Summer
Math 4053Introduction to Financial Mathematics 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 or 182. Introduction to financial mathematics including the basics of annuities, stocks, bonds, and financial derivatives.Fall
STAT 4433Applied Probability 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 172 or MATH 182; MATH 220, Math 225, or MATH 230; admitted to the major in Mathematics. Axioms of probability theory; random variables; expectation; generating function; law of large numbers; central limit theorem; Markov chainsFall
STAT 446

3Statistical Applications in Insurance 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 443. Introduction to the application of mathematics and statistics to the insurance field with a focus on actuarial science. Typically offered Spring, Even Years.
STAT 4473Introduction to Time Series Analysis 3 Course Prerequisite: STAT 412 or concurrent enrollment, or STAT 423 or concurrent enrollment. Introduction to the analysis and application of time series including AR, MA, ARMA, and ARIMA models.Typically offered Spring, Odd Years.

OPTIONAL, Recommended:

B LAW 2103Law and the Legal Environment of Business 3 Fundamentals of business law; the legal system, legal reasoning, public, commercial, managerial and property law, and government regulation.Fall/Spring
Math 3003Mathematical Computing 3 Course Prerequisite: MATH 220, 225 or 230; admitted to the major in Mathematics. Examination of some current computer software for solving mathematical problems. Recommended preparation: MATH 315.Fall